Illustrated talks

I love to make illustrated talks and have done so in different countries around Europe. I will do my best, to give you a great experience. With pictures, small video clips and lots of good stories, I will take you on adventures around the world.


I was 100% right to save you to the end – yours was the only talk of the evening that brought a tear to my eye. What an amazing Dad you are. I hope that you could tell from the audience reaction, the laughter, the long applause, just what a brilliant job you did.  Alastair Humphreys – Adventure of the year 2012, National Geographic.

Click here for coming events

Featured in

The Paddler TV2 Canoe and Kayak France 3

Vela  Yacht mag  TV2 east  DR AT5_Logo


Night of Adventure..jpg

Our new Illustrated talk, Adventure on the Mediterranean Sea or 2000 km on the YUKON river, an amazing family adventure thought Alaska. Our Life is GOOD follow us expedition 2014-15has already entertained people in 10 countries. We are touring all over Europe and have made presentations in English, German, Dutch and of course Danish. Book Lars here

Atemberaubende Bilder, schöne Videoseqenzen, ein lebendiger Vortrag in sehr gutem Deutsch gehalten mit erfrischendem dänischen Akzent, so begeistert Lars Simonsen seine Zuhörer. Er versteht es, einen mit auf diese abenteuerliche Reise zu nehmen, sehr empfelenswert.- LCF Cuxhaven  

Ganz Kurz: Dein Vortrag war Klasse!LCF

The illustrated talk, can be about our trip click here, but can also be more targeted to meet your needs/wishe

  • Your life is not over, when you get kids.
  • Adventure trips with kids in diapers
  • From boarding school to Adventurer
  • Young and want to see the world
  • Working abroad

Lars Simonsen (Life is Good FOLLOW US) has visited our school on two occasions to tell our students about his amazing family adventures. If you are looking for an interesting and entertaining illustrated talk, we thoroughly recommend you contact Lars to hear more about his philosophy of adventure that he enjoys together with his amazing family. VGE

There are many other possibilities, to hear more call

Lars Simonsen +45 4143 6145 or mail

Direct booking at:

Tajmer Booking & Management, Stig Hansen

Tlf: +45 46 15 37 00




I’m looking forward to entertain you!


“So happy to have met you, on your way of life with your family. In this time it so important to stay open to look at the world differently,It was brought by your travel…………….we have followed you ….. with the sound of the hart !!!!! – Philippe Mongenet Kayak Club Marseille


Na het volgen van de avonturen van Lars, Suzi, Tiuri en Liva heb ik ze tijdens hun weg terug naar Denemarken uitgenodigd om hun verhaal te komen delen met 150 studenten van de opleiding Crossmediale Communicatie van de Rotterdam Academy.
Lars en Suzi hebben ons meegenomen in een fantastisch verhaal onderbouwd met vele prachtige foto’s en anekdotes. De studenten en docenten waren zichtbaar onder de indruk van het avontuur en de wil om uitdagingen niet uit de weg te gaan. Het doel om ons te laten inspireren en motiveren is dan ook zeker bereikt.
Ik wil Lars en Suzi daarvoor ook heel hartelijk danken en wens jullie veel success toe met jullie volgende avonturen. Ik en vele anderen nu gaan jullie hierin volgen! – Robbin Goedhart, Docent opleiding Cross Mediale Communicatie, Rotterdam Academynormal_a9e648d93514c90ad091e7571887aa56


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